Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Week XIV: A Week of Three's

First of all, I hope you all had a very special and happy Christmas!

I know I mentioned that the best gift I had given myself was dropping 25 pounds, but can you believe that I have dropped nearly 8 more pounds since then!?! That's right, so now I'm down 33 pounds AND 3 jean sizes. Thus, I am declaring this week my "Week of Three's"!

It has been grueling with all the holiday cookies sitting around and delicious dishes friends and family have brought over, but, somehow I managed to stay mostly on track and only eat goodies in moderation. In all honesty, Christmas Eve was probably the hardest. I ate cookie after cookie, lasagna, drank wine.. you name it, I had it. I felt sick after I'd given in to the temptations around me. But, what I told myself after is what made the difference in my ability to stay on track. I knew that I hadn't eaten like that in a very long time, and wouldn't be successful if I kept it up. So, I made sure I stopped eating around 7pm that night, woke up, and started fresh. I made sure that if I really wanted a cookie I would let myself have one, considering if I hadn't let myself I'd crave it twice over later on. That brings me to a new revelation I've had as well..

The other day my mom apologized to me for having so many sweets and "bad" foods in the house as family came to stay with us. I told her to stop apologizing because I can have those foods if I want them- it's just that I don't want them. I found that if I tell myself I can't have something, I want it that much more- not exactly rocket science. But, somehow I found that telling myself I can have it, that I don't crave it. I mean, the saying does go, "you want what you can't have". And I found that beyond material things, the saying applies to food and cravings as well. The hard part is that it comes down to your own will power at that point, because if you actually do want it, then you better off eating it than craving it x10 in the future. I try to remind myself that even though it looks good and might smell good, it never tastes as good as you imagined and nothing feels as good as having your brother say, "whoa, hello miss skinny!", after not seeing him for 4 months. So, my point is, try to find something to keep you away from wanting what isn't the best for your health, and you'll soon see that it isn't so hard to stare at those fluffy little cookies and look away without taking a bite.

Quote of the Week:
"You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it."- Dr. Robert Anthony


Friday, December 17, 2010

Week XIII: Getting There

Hi little readers!

This weeks post will be super short due to my extreeemely crazy schedule ("schezule", for you fancy folk!). And, I know all of you are superly duperly busy too! Sooo, I wanted to update everyone on my progress with my health and weight-loss goals.

With the help of great friends, family, my amazing/awesome/stellar/bff personal trainer, I am now past the half-way mark to my goal weight! :D Which means I'm down more than 25 pounds!!!

It's sort of crazy to go on the scale these days and see the weight jump down every week. Well.. when I say "jump" I really mean "crawl", considering I've busted my tush for every inch lost and pound dropped. But, it has certainly been worth it. I had a trainer at my gym come up to me and say, "I see you here ALL the time and you look awesome!! You can tell you've lost the weight.". That certainly put an extra bounce in my step while running. I think feedback is HUGE for success in many aspects of life, but especially while dealing with something as frustrating as weight loss.

I've been so happy with my change in, not only my health, but, my attitude towards this lifestyle change and life itself. I found a great balance between eating right and treating myself right too. I still have quite a ways to go with my total weight-loss, but I'm well on my way and excited to get there!

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday! [And don't beat yourself up if you have a few cookies.. you all deserve it!]

Best Wishes,


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week XII: Which List Will You Be On?

Hello Fit-sters!

So, I got to thinking.. life is nothing but choices: skip the gym/don't skip the gym; spend the paycheck/don't spend the paycheck; write a blog/don't write a blog; eat the cookie/don't eat the cookie.. Well, you get the point! During the holidays we're often reminded of the choices we have made over the year, particularly through Santa's list *wink wink*.

So, before Santa checks his list twice, I'm giving you one last choice to make: Do you want to be on a "Good List" or "Bad List" with food this holiday season? Now, I'm not one of Santa's little elves so your secret is safe between you and the happily fat, bearded guy. But, I thought I'd make things a little clearer for you with two recipes (below) that fall in the "Good/healthy" list and the "Bad/unhealthy" list. 

Don't forget to choose wisely because not only will Santa treat you as desired, but so will your body :)

Good List
Low-Calorie  Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

Nutritional Facts:
Serving: one slice
Sugar=3 g
Carbs= 9g

One 8-oz. pkg reducd-fat cream cheese, softened                                         1/3 cup Spenda granular, divided                            
One 16-oz. can pure pumpkin puree                        
One 4-serv. size sugar free, instant vanilla pudding                                       2 tsps Pumpkin Pie Spice
1-1/2 cups Cook Whip, thawed
One ready-made graham cracker crust    
2 tbsps half & half
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup low fat-milk
In a large bowl beat together cream cheese, half & half, 2 tbsps of the Spenda, and vanilla until smooth. Gently fold in thawed whipped topping. Carefully spread mixture into crust. (You can also layer this in pretty bowls or glasses.) Using the same bowl combine milk, pudding mix, pumpkin puree, spices and remaining Spenda. Beat until smooth and thickened. Pour over the cream cheese mixture. Refrigerate 4 hours or until set. Makes 10 servings.

Gingerbread Man-Torturer Bad List
Peanut Butter Blossoms

Nutritional Facts:
Serving: 2 cookies

48 HERSHEY'S KISSES brand Milk Chocolates   1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup REESE'S Creamy Peanut Butter              1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar                          1 egg
2 tablespoons milk                                                   1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour                                    1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt                                                      Granulated sugar

1.) Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Remove wrappers from chocolates. 
2.) Beat shortening and peanut butter in large bowl until well blended. Add 1/3 cup granulated sugar and brown sugar; beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, baking soda, and salt; gradually beat into peanut butter mixture. 
3.) Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll in granulated sugar; place on ungreased cookie sheet.
4.) Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into center of each cookie; cookie will crack open around edges. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cook completely. About 4 dozen cookies.
*nutrients and recipes from "HERSHEY'S KITCHEN"

Fun tip: For my "naughty" list readers, try keeping a bowl of fruit nearby while baking so you nibble on the good stuff instead of licking the batter ;) Or chew on a piece of gum. 

You might be wondering which list I'll be on this Christmas.. Well, like I said, that's between me and the happily fat, bearded guy! 

Quote of the week:
"Gum is my Nicorette for food." - annonymous ;)


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week XI: Holiday Cravings

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and treated themselves to the only "fruits" allowed on Turkey Day: Pumpkin and Apple PIE!! ;)

Okay, so we're allowed one day a year to really 'pig out'. But, even though we all have that left over turkey starring us down in the refrigerator, it doesn't mean we can let that ONE day bleed into the whole next week. Honestly, we really shouldn't be unbuttoning our pants at every meal. So, pace yourself. After eating a lot of junk during the holidays, we start to crave all the wrong things. It's okay to treat yourself but you must get back on the bandwagon immediately after in order to keep your weight in check.

The day after Thanksgiving this year I went to my trainers house early in the morning and we went over what I should expect from my body over the next few days. I've been following a very healthy food plan and workout routine for months and months now so I'm well adjusted to this new lifestyle. However, the minute that my body detected all this new food in my system, it went haywire. Sugar creates cravings for more sugar. So, my trainer prepared me to be craving those types of things. But, I had to remember that it's only in my head. So, anytime I felt a craving during the day, I would go grab a bottle of water and fill it with all-natural sugar-free flavored powders (lemon or raspberry are my personal favorites), and the cravings would subside. Honestly, I didn't even notice the cravings by the middle of the day and I was already back into my healthy routine.

Here are a few things I do when I have cravings that you might find helpful over the holidays:

  • drink a full glass of water
  • wait 15 minutes to make sure I'm actually hungry
  • chew on sugar-free gum
  • eat a cup of berries (berries are one of the best fruits for us)
  • turn on the Christmas tunes and put up more decorations to keep busy

I know it's really hard to avoid all the treats that pop up during this time of the year, but it'll make those "special" days even better if they remain just that.. special - and not ordinary. Keep Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve/Day as your "off" days and plan around them. This way we can still enjoy the holidays and come out looking fit!

Quote of the Week:
"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup." - Buddy, "Elf"
Also, some of you have had problems commenting on the posts so please see the "guestbook" at the very bottom of the page. Would love to hear your personal health stories/comments!! :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

X: Free Ticket!

Alright My Little Turkey Eaters,

So, I wanted to formally give each of you a "Free Ticket" to enjoy whatever you want for Thanksgiving (in moderation, of course). All of us deserve to enjoy our time with family, friends, and all loved ones. So, as grandma complains that her mashed potatoes aren't salty enough, Uncle Bob drinks his sixth glass of wine, and cousin Charlie throws green beans in your hair.. just think of how lucky each of us are to have each other, our current health, and a warm turkey that has none of those things! :p

Each year my family goes around the table and says what they are thankful for, and this year, like last, I will not be with my immediate family so I thought I'd write on here what I am most thankful for:

Friends. - Last year I spent Thanksgiving in Rome with friends from Holland, Belgium, Dublin, & Austria. And this year, I'll be spending it with my best friend, Jennie, and her family. I am just so grateful to have friends that are willing to share this special time with me and always be there. Whether I'm in Rome, New York City, or Pittsburgh, I know I always have great friends to turn to- and no matter how alone we can feel, it's nice to know that wherever we go, there, our friends will be :)

Click here to read about my Thanksgiving last year in Italia!

Happy Thanksgiving Readers,


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week IX: Progress

Hi Readers!

Sorry this week's post is relatively short, but I started a new part-time job in retail and well..  retail+holidays=madness. So, I haven't had too much time to devote to my blog *tear*.  However, I didn't want to leave ya'll hanging this week without hearing me ramble on for at least 30 seconds about my SUPER-awesome-healthy lifestyle (please note my sarcasm).

So, now that you're about 8.5 seconds into reading this, I better get to my point a little faster..

You don't have to read much into this weeks title to figure out what I'm going to touch upon. So, yes, I have made some greaaaat long awaited progress. *cue the fireworks*

Last week, my trainer mentioned that I am looking much thinner (not to be confused with "thin"). But, despite my changing appearance, I told her how frustrated I am with the scale. I explained my vow to stay away from it for a little while until I felt confident that I could handle the numbers that would appear between my anxious feet. She completely agreed with my decision to stay away from the scale, but thought I could find motivation from another reading: body fat!

Well, there's only one thing worse than getting on a scale to read your weight, and that is what percentage of that weight is made up of f-a-t. However, losing body fat is not only harder to lose and a bigger accomplishment, but a healthier thing to focus on than just weight. Soooo we measured my body fat and it was... wait for iittt... down down down :) Words cannot describe how that felt. After weeks of being frustrated with my stupid scale I wanted to dance on top of it. So, after I got some motivation from that reading, I weighed myself juuuust to see if things might have changed. And wouldn't you believe in a week I've lost anOTHER 5lbs.!!!! out of control. So, that brings my weight-loss total to about 20lbs. at this point!

I must remember that although I'm down, my scale body looooves to play tricks on me and go up and down with the "el bees". So, I will stick to my vow and not weigh myself for at least another 2-3 weeks in order to have an accurate measure. But, in the meantime, it's back to working hard and staying positive (oh, and my trainer kickin' my tush!)

Quote of the Week:
"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving" - Oliver Wendell Holmes


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week VIII: Dear Diary -I mean- Readers!

Hello My Little Fit-sters,

Well, it appears that everyone is really enjoying the blog so far. My viewership was almost 3x the norm this past week!! So, thanks for tuning in, and I hope to see those numbers go up and up as people strive for a healthier life :)

Alright, let's get down to it!

So, I'm human.. as far as I know.. and I like to think of this blog as something like a journal, for not only the public to read, but for myself to take in as well- Although, sometimes I really think I AM crazy for putting this all out there! But it's done, so alas I go.. Lately, I know I've been talking more about general health topics, so I wanted to update my readers on my own health status and how I've been progressing. In other words: this week is all about ME! :p
Something I really want to stress to my readers is that the changes and efforts I'm making are not to be considered a "diet". To me, diets are quick, short-term changes that are more useful for dropping a few "el bees" for a reunion or wedding. The kind of changes I am making are life-long changes, which means that I have a much further goal date. BUT, that doesn't mean there's room for more"cheat days" or "off-weeks". It just means that I'm making progressive changes that take time for my body and mind to adjust to, and will live with for the rest of my life.

So, right off the bat, we all know by now that it's more difficult for me to lose weight than the average 23-year old (whomp whomp - Debbie Downer just arrived). I have a slight metabolic problem and a sensitivity to sugar & carbs- which made Halloween extra frightening for me. Despite these hinderances, I had dropped about 14 lbs. as of a few weeks ago. Then, I went up 5.5 lbs. in only four days. 'Tell me you're kidding', comes to mind. Honestly, I wanted to throw in the towel. I was practically killing myself at the gym, following a very healthy food plan, and yet I managed to GAIN weight. Seriously, I thought, "what the heck is goin' onnnn??? UGHH!" *throws scale across the room*

Alright, so again I stress that I'm human, and so I freaked out a little bit when I saw the numbers in front of me. Some people I know can simply cut out Diet Coke and lose 5 lbs.- absolutely abhorrent! ..I know. But, I knew in that moment that I had a choice, something my mother, aka dietition, always reminds me of.

So, I stared at myself in the mirror envisioning a chubby blonde girl perched on my left shoulder and a slender blonde girl on my right: The chub-ster bit into a slice of extra cheesy pizza and said with a mouthful, "Aw jusf giff up already! You can't do it! Look at yourself, you've giffen it all you can and you STILL can't lose the weight. It's worthless!". It was so easy to believe her, and the pizza looked heavenly enough to cross to the dark side. But, I also knew that path: The heartbreak I'd cause my own self. The frustration and self-loathing that would haunt me endlessly. I could feel the hurt turn into anger when I heard, "You haven't failed yet. It's a challenge, yes. But, you are being challenged because you're a fighter. And only those who know how to take a punch are the ones who learn to stand up again." It was clear as day. I had two choices:
1.) fail.
2.) try.

Well, I was a straight 'A' student in High School and Dean's list member in college, so "fail" was not in my vocabulary.

So, what did I do? Well, I stomped my feet a little bit. Then put "weight" out of the picture. I knew at that point I just signed myself up for a battle. But, I'd much rather be the girl who was known to fight her way to the finish, than the girl who stood in line at the food-stand cheering everyone else on.

Alright, so many of you might be wondering where my weight stands at this point. WELL, I dropped the 5.5 lbs., but more importantly, I decided that for me to be successful, I need to stay away from the scale for a little while and just see how clothes fit, how I feel, etc. (but just as an f.y.i. my jeans are falling off these days.. ;) So, someday soon I will get on that scale again, but until then I need to stay positive and not let water weight or any other fluctuations deter me from my goals!

I keep reminding myself that I could spend forever struggling with my weight, or spend the rest of my life conquering it.

Quote of the Week:
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." -Thomas A. Edison


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week VII: Body Mirage

Hi Readers!
Hope you found some tunes to add to your workout playlist from last week's post!

This week, I had a lot of things in mind to talk about, but I kept running into a particular topic which is becoming quite popular to discuss, and that is body image. Whether you're famous or not (*cough cough* Jessica Simpson), we all struggle to find an appropriate scale to place ourselves on, regarding what looks heavy, skinny, and especially healthy! Labels certainly don't help. On Monday, actress, Portia de Rossi, was on Oprah talking about what body descriptions translated to while struggling with her own body issues: "normal" meant average-looking, "womanly" meant curvy, "healthy" meant robust.

Some of these misconceptions about our bodies come from the standards society places on us with weight. It's no secret that magazine's heavily re-touch photographs, but even more shocking is what, actress, Rachel Leigh Cook exposed to Fox News: In October, Rachel discussed her own disgust with Hollywood's pressure to be thin, and it's portrayal to the public. She went on to reveal that even the supposed "candid" photos of celebrities are being altered. What's been happening is that paparazzi will put a 'slimming' lens on their camera to stretch the image, and thus, make the celebrity appear taller and leaner. Then, they tell us that these are the most beautiful women in the country, or world even, and of course setting another unrealistic standard for women to compare themselves against.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to say we need voluptuous curves. Believe me, I'm trying to get RID of all things "voluptuous". But where or when do we draw the line... when is skinnier, TOO skinny? I know the androgynous look is in (thanks to the skinny jean and 20%
of society that actually looks good in them) but how many girls are born with aboy-ish frame?? I mean, we are WOmen after-all, right? Some of my favorite healthy & realistic body-idols are Carrie Underwood, Reese Witherspoon, Kelly Osbourne, and Jennifer Aniston.

Honestly, body-image is not just a gray-area, but also a dark place for many of us. But what I keep emphasizing to myself, which you can too, is to be the best-looking YOU. I know it sounds incredibly cliche, and we've heard it all before, but seriously, we need to stop the comparisons. So many people are facing B.D.D. (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) because we can't accept our own image due to the distorted expectations.

Here's a tip I practice 3x a day to stop the negative voices: write down an immediate thought that is upsetting you and find a more rational way of thinking about it.
For example: "I think I'm unattractive". Write down evidence that proves it, and then evidence that disproves it. Then, rewrite that thought with a more clear conscience and repeat it 3x a day. I honestly do this everyday and suddenly when a negative thought pops in, I can immediately restate the thought in a more realistic way.

*Please remember, I'm not a doctor, just a young woman trying to find a healthy-path through life! So, please take my recommendations with your own regard. And of course I'd love to hear how you all have found a happy and healthy path in your lives! So, click below on "comment" to share your thoughts! (for those without a google account click on Anonymous or Name/URL)

Quote of the Week:
"The happiest man alive would look in the mirror and see himself exactly as he is" - Dumbledore, Harry Potter


Friday, October 29, 2010


Welcommmee to BONUUUUS Post!!!!!!

Alright fit-sters, I thought I'd surprise ya with an extra weekly post. Something short 'n sweet to keep you going this week!

Let's be honest, music can be a HUGE part of our workouts. I know that nothing makes me more excited to go to the gym than when I download new tunes. And nothing un-excites me more than when I have been listening to the same music for months on end.. or even worse, when you realize you've left your iPod at home *dun dun dunnn* OH! the horror!!
Truly though.

So, since I think we all agree that music is a factor in keeping up with our healthy routines, I thought I'd share with you some
tunes that keep me going that extra mile at the gym. I also thought my readers could share some of their own personal favorites in the comments section (which I believe I fixed so anyone should be able to comment now).

First of all, I'd be lying if I said that I don't regularly watch Britney Spears' music videos while on the elliptical, imagining that it's me with that Burmese Python for some serious motivation- but that's a whole other issue, for a whole other post! Anywaaysss, here's a quick-list of my fav workout-boosters, in no particular order:

1.) Lady Gaga - "Teeth"
2.) Missy Elliot - "I'm Really Hot"
3.) Michael Jackson - "Blood on the Dancefloor"
4.) Kanye West - "Coldest Winter"
5.) Justin Timberlake - "LoveStoned/I Think She Knows"
6.) Britney Spears - "Hot As Ice"
7.) Britney Spears - "Boys [The Co-Ed Remix]"
8.) Britney Spears - "Ooh Ooh Baby"

^...I'm seeing a trend here...^

9.) Fall Out Boy - "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race (Kanye West Remix)"
10.) Akon ft. Keri Hilson - "Oh Africa"
11.) James Brown - "I Feel Good"
12.) Jennifer Lopez - "Let's Get Loud"
13.) Mika - "Rain"
14.) Michael Jackson - "They Don't Care About Us"

So, maybe you'll find one or two to add to your workout playlist. And again, if you have any you'd like to share yourself, then please feel free to comment below :)

Quote of the day:
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane to those who couldn't hear the music."
-Angela Monte


P.S. hope some of you realized the correlation between the image of Bugs and my blog music ;)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week VI: Power

Welcome Fitness Enthusiasts!

Thought I'd greet you with a great big Richard Simmons welcome! I mean, nothing spells excitement for health more than short-shorts and a skin-tight starry tank top!

Alriigght, glitter and flamboyancy aside- I don't want to frighten my male audience.. or female, for that matter.

This week I thought we'd start getting real about what we go through when starting a new lifestyle change or, the dirty "d" word, *diet*. Let's face it, if cutting out carbs, working out regularly, lowering sugars, and counting calories were SO easy, we'd all be in fighting shape. The reality of it is there are many reasons why we struggle with finding success in our health goals: expenses, will power, support of family and friends, and a plethora of other factors we individually face. But, in order to be successful, these are things we have to combat, and be honest with ourselves about, so we can move on and make this change on a smoother course.

I'd like to focus on one struggle at a time so we're not overwhelmed. And this week I thought we'd touch on one of the biggest deterrents, that also happens to be one of the biggest catalysts, for finding success: WILL POWER!

willpower (ˈwɪlˌpaʊə)
1. the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions
2. firmness of will

Honestly, definition 1. is so kick-ass I can't even handle it. Webster's dictionary essentially states that "Willpower" is our ability to control and determine our actions. In other words, we hold the fate. Willpower is such a gift, and gamble all at the same time, because without it we put the power in someone else's hands- we no longer have the control. Scary stuff... but powerful too. Think about it: you don't need to be rich to have willpower, you don't need to have a ton of resources either. Willpower is up to YOU.

So, here are a few things we can all do in order to be successful with maintaining and finding the willpower to reach our goals:

1.) THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS: this is something that my trainer is constantly saying to me as I struggle to do vein-popping pull-ups (gross... I know). Positive thinking knocks out those vile thoughts that are only there to kick you down. I try to tell myself something positive every time a negative thought entires my mind.
For example- you're at the mall trying on new jeans and realize that despite your tough efforts to lose weight for the past few months, you're still the same jean size. STOP! PAUSE! Our instinct is to run out of the store and stalk up on all the Ben & Jerry's flavors the closest convenient store has. BUT, something I've had to even remind myself of is that weight loss isn't instant, inches don't always melt away. Tell yourself that despite the fact that you haven't gone down a size, you aren't up a size either. And, who knows, you could lose a bunch of weight the following week as your body adjusts to your new routine. Honestly, most weeks I struggle losing one pound, but the other week I lost 5.5 lbs. because my body is going through drastic workout and food changes. So, have patience, and remember that you will get there...which leads me to my next tip.

2.) MAKE SMALL GOALS: You're much more likely to reach your long-term goal if you make short ones along the way. Think about it, if you made a goal to lose 50 lbs. by next year, that gives you a lot of opportunities to either get overwhelmed with the amount of effort it will take, or procrastinate considering it seems so far off. So, take it day-by-day. Make smaller goals that can lead to the ultimate one.
For example- make a goal to start running/walking longer distances, even if just for an extra 1/4 mile, or hold that plank position for 10 more seconds each week. These little efforts will go a long way, especially after a year has gone by, and you won't feel overwhelmed in the process.

3.) LOVE YOURSELF: sounds cheesy, and maybe obvious to some, but by loving yourself and having respect for your well-being will make willpower a whole lot easier to embody. If you already care about yourself then finding the willpower to be the best "you" will be like brushing your teeth every morning - a thoughtless action to take care of your long-term health.

Again these are just some of the things I like to think of when my willpower is weak during tough days. But, by keeping that overarching goal in the background, and focusing on these tiny efforts each day, willpower will come naturally. I have faith in you, but you must also find faith in yourself.

Throughout the next month, I will also talk about two other big struggles people come across while working on their health: COST & SUPPORT. So, tune in for those two discussions in the near future :)

Now, grab your shortest striped shorts (I have SO many to choose from!), some canola oil for your legs, and get 'ya groove on!!

Quote of the week:
"Yes. You. Can!" - Richard Simmons


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week V: Soul Food

Hey There My Healthy Friends!

Well, another week has gone by and that means we've all had seven fresh new days to create healthier lives around us. Now, there are many ways to make our lives healthier. So, considering we've discussed our body and mind's health in previous posts, that leaves, of course, our spirit, or souls. And what better way to do that than with soul food!

Now don't be fooled, despite how tempting Paula Deen's southern cookin' can be, I wouldn't let us off the hook that easy. So, instead of using actual food for our souls, I thought we could feed it with other means of enjoying the same sensations that food can bring, such as: fulfillment, excitement, satisfaction, pure joy ..all the things ice cream used to do for me- and probably still would if I didn't search for other things to associate those feelings with.

So, in order to really gobble up some food for my soul, I went out on a mini-adventure. I decided that a weekend away with a friend from far far away would be just the treat my soul needed!

My "far far away" friend is Clementina [insert fruit joke here], from Venezuela, but we met while attending an Italian school together in Rome last year. As soon as I found out that Clementina had a liking to Chanel and other fine leather brands, I knew we'd instantly be best friends. And that we were.

We studied the Italian language 5 days a week, went on several excursions around Italy on the weekends, shared wine with gorgeous Italian men under twinkling stars, and obviously shopped the organically vogue streets of Rome on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, Clementina had to leave Rome earlier than planned; and I realized that, realistically, I may never see her again. During our last minutes together we hugged and cried, squeezing tight before we headed off in separate cabs, which would eventually take us thousands of miles apart. I remember trying to choke out my Italian to the cab driver under heavy sobs sounding something like, "ma- ma- mi dispiace. Son- son- sono andare a Via Arenula. Vici- vicinooo il coloseo."

The hardest part about making friends abroad, is knowing they'll always be that: abroad.

So, when I got a phone call two weeks ago from a 12-digit phone number, I was squealing to hear Clementina on the other line. And even more exciting, she was coming to New York City and wanted to meet up. Thus, after considering the rarity of this situation, I decided to buy a plane ticket and spend two days with a great friend in the city that never sleeps.

When we met up, it was like no time had passed. However, I had to refresh my memory with Italian and Spanish in order to talk with her family members. But, it was great practice and fun for me to speak another language again. We had such a good time, laughing, enjoying a few drinks (actual food for my soul ;) , dancing like crazy people, singing along to our all-time favorite song "I've Got a Feeling"- which we sang in the streets of Rome with our friends the first night out in Italy, and shopping 'til blisters were eminent.

Of course, we had to once again say our goodbyes, but even as I jumped on the train after our departure, I didn't feel sad. In fact, my soul felt happy. I knew it would be at least a few years 'til we saw each other again, but it's ok, because we would see each other again. And that's the great thing about real friendships, whether here or apart, you have the memories, and there there you can always meet.
As I rode in the cab back up to the Upper East Side at night, I listened to my go-to night song, John Mayer's live version of "Free Fallin'", and thought about how many great people I've met in my life and great places I've been. And I don't think my soul ever felt as good as it did in that moment. My soul doesn't remember the food I've fed it, it remembers the feelings, the emotions, the hot breeze drifting through a cab while staring at the twinkling lights of New York City.. and THAT is the best food my soul has ever tasted.

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul." - Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 4: Stop and Smell the Roses

Welcome Readers!
When I first started this blog, I mentioned that I wanted to not only improve my body's health, but also my mind and spirit. So, I thought today we'd talk about other ways to help yourself outside of the gym.

I feel like I should say "namaste" right about now.. *bows to yoga instructor*

Okay, so lot of people make excuses to not relax. Believe me, I'm one of them. We say we don't have time, don't have the resources, or we're too stressed to even find relaxation in the simple things. Look, I worked in New York City with the most vile of people, under stresses you can't possibly imagine. And if someone had told me to stop and smell the roses, I'd probably have straight-up punched them in the face. Wait, did I mention I was stressed?? Yeahh... it got ugly.

However! I've found that if we have enough time to do things like brush our teeth, shower, and wash our face, we can also incorporate other things into our daily routines that can help your mind relax.

While living in Italy last year, I was always envious of how Italians went about their day. They weren't concerned about getting to work on time - heck! they weren't concerned about getting to work at all! Now that's a little extreme, but, my point is that Italians take time to enJOY life. They're not rushing through it, not stressing over the fact that they just ate a Shrek-size portion of pasta, not complaining when a waiter offers a pitcher - yes, pitcher - of wine to compliment their meal. They LIVE in this life.. they don't jump from one hurdle and anticipate the next, they just let it come and deal with it then. We Americans tend to stress inbetween those two hurdles. How do we prepare when the next one comes? How can we avoid more? Before we know it, it's been years and you can't remember what you were even stressing about back then. That's because it's insignificant. Life can be much more plentiful if we just reduce some of that manifested stress.

I tend to find stress in just about anything, so I thought I'd make a list of things that we can all do to help minimize stress when it hits us and how to remain relaxed, if possible, inbetween the stresses life can bring:

One of my favorite little relaxers is to light candles. While I was grocery shopping a few weeks ago, I found myself lost in the candy- I mean- candle isle trying to find a "Fall" scent to accent my bedroom. Two melted vegetable bags later, I found the perfect "Apple Cinnamon" Glade candle. Everytime I get ready to take a shower, or get ready in the morning I light my candle and enjoy the Fall essence it brings. It may not completely de-stress me, but if nothing else, I can feel my nose and mind smiling a little bit- despite how strange that sounds :p

Another little de-stresser, which some of you may have heard of, is to take deep breaths at night. Sometimes, I lay in bed and think of all the things I have to do the next day. Well, being in bed and not being able to do anything about it certainly is not going to help. So, I make a list before bed of all the things I have to do tomorrow and number them from most important, to least. Then, I lay in bed and take deep breaths in and out, letting the stress melt out of me and prepare my body for relaxing dreams. Believe it or not, sleep can be "me time". And it's important to really get those 7-8 hours, and not toss and turn with anxiety all night.

You might think I'm crazy, but one of the things I, personally, enjoy doing is coloring. Sometimes while I'm watching Glee or Gossip Girl, I find myself craving a snack. *smacks hand* What I'm really doing is just being ADD and needing something to keep my body occupied while admiring Finn Hudson's cute freckles... So, color! Don't be embarassed if you pick up a Disney coloring book - my personal fav - they don't know you don't have kids ,or are a babysitter, or a teacher. Believe me it's kinda fun and you can even hang it up on your fridge to admire, if you dare ;)

For my overachieving readers, this ones for you! Now, I am a little OCD about organization so it's not too hard to imagine that I love to organize get-togethers. Even if it's just a few gals coming over, plan a little dinner party. Recently, I threw a joint-potluck party and I went out and got flowers, made a new dish for the first time, cleaned the house, and surprisingly felt very relaxed and proud of myself that I threw it together. It's really a great reward to yourself and nothing spells relaxation better than a good laugh with friends.

So, these are just a few recommendations. Of course, you can get creative and come up with your own stress-relieving rituals. But, just remember, in order to really improve your total body package, you've got to keep a hold of all the things that make us feel beautiful, and that means going waaay beyond appearances. Madonna was wise to say "beauty's where you find it... not just where you bump and grind it" ;)

Quote of the week:
"Be aware of the things you cannot see" - Confucius


Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 3: Progress!

Hello readers/followers/general stalkers,

So, the worst is over, I've basically put it ALL out there in my last post, and now it's onto the fun stuff: my journey of getting into shape!

First of all, I hope you've had a happy and healthy week since we last checked in with each other. I've, personally, had a really great week kickin' boot-ay at the gym with my trainer and being extra smart when making food choices. And I'll tell ya, nothing tastes better than feeling healthy :) Well, let's be honest- I'd practical make-out with the pizza boy at this point if he gave me a slice of New York style pizza. But, it's okay. I'll have a slice of pizza again - just not today (or tomorrow)..

This week was a pretty standard week with workouts (me, pleading with my trainer to let me just pass out - and her, telling me to go sprint the track instead; thank god she wins every time). But, in terms of my food, I really wanted to hone in on my calorie/nutrient intake this week:

I noticed that my weight was taking its good ol' time coming off, even though I've been sticking to a 1200 calorie diet with less carbs and sugars. Well, you should know that weight, in general, does not come off easily for me with hypothyroidism (a slow metabolism) - one of God's special gifts, I like to say - along with my sensitivity to sugars and carbs. So, I tried to get super serious about what I was eating and found a great app on my iPhone called "MyFitnessPal". It's amazing, it will tell me what my goal nutrients are for the day and if I'm under or over my percentage of that. For example, since I'm training 6-7 days a week, I try to load up on protein for my muscles to rebuild themselves after a hard workout. So, by entering my meals into the app, it told me my protein intake today was over about 5% for the average 1200-calorie diet. So, I know I'm in a fairly good range with that, considering I should be over to help my body recover.
Oh, and don't fret! the app isn't just on the iPhone.. you can go to their website at: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ Honestly, check it out. It's mind blowing. You can chart your weight too, which is fun (only if you're losing) :/

I just can't tell you how amazingly-awful it is to see how quickly calories add up. However, I've gotten used to being honest with myself now and what I used to think was 1200 calories, is definitely NOT. By following this strict intake, I've already noticed a difference. The weight has definitely started to go a little faster (about 2lbs. a week - which IS healthy people. Do not try to lose more than 2lbs./week or you will gain it back eventually, I promise). So, I'm really excited about finding a new way to structure my food, just as I might structure a workout routine.

So, the BIGGEST news is that, despite only having blogged for 3 weeks, I've been on my new health-kick for much longer and have finally reached the -10lb. mark!!!!!
maybe a little confetti..? *~* nah we'll save that for a bigger moment :)

But, hey, 10lbs. is 10lbs. and it will NOT be missed.

Well, kids, I've got 2 more glasses of water to drink before bed and I gotta prepare my bladder for that, so I'll leave you with this:
"There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed can make any vision, dream or desire a reality". - Anthony Robbins


Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 2: Putting It Out There

So, I can't even believe I am doing this right now. But, I have decided that in order to be successful, I have to be honest with myself. SO, I'm posting my "before" photo for all the world to see. *runs and hides in the bathroom* I can't even tell you how difficult it is for me to post this, considering I have huge problems even grasping the fact that I'm "overweight". Ugh! What an ugly, brutal word. You know what's an even worse word??? OBESE. Yes, ladies (and possibly gents), no longer are the days of basking in even the idea of being just 20lbs. overweight, but as soon as the doctor pulls out her chart and shows you that you're in the "obese" category, you know shits about to go down (even if laxatives have something to do about it). "But how could this be?", I thought. So I'm a little past the halfway mark to 200lbs... this seems impossible. Okay, deep breath. So, I'm technically *whispers* obese.. So, what? Whether I'm considered overweight or obese, all I know is that this girl has got to buckle down and start working that unwelcomed fat off. I want to stamp that weight with a big ol' red "FINITO" "DONE" "YOUUUURR OUTTA HERE!" So, the first step in making that change is to show myself the truth and put it out there.

Ouch. Pure shame. It's like staring at Kirstie Alley somewhere between "Cheers" and "It Takes Two". Alright, enough. MOVING ON. I'm wiping my hands clean of this.

You know what's beautiful about putting this out there? That I know someday - not tomorrow, or next week, or even next month - I'm gonna have a healthy, fit, dare-I-say enviable? body to display. And giiirl, I'm gonna not only post that image on my blog, but WEAR it, LIVE it, and BREATHE a fresh new breath of healthiness.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 1: Finding a Healthy Role Model

I think it's helpful to have someone that you can look up to for inspiration when striving for a goal. Whether you're a 15 year-old high school basketball player looking up to Michael Jordan, an artist inspired by Andy Warhol, or simply a person who just needs someone to stand for what they want to be, I think it's great to have representation of your goal(s). Aside from being a role model, I think that visualization of a goal is very important. When you have something that gives you an image of what can be, it's much more powerful than a big question mark at the end of the road. I think that role model's can provide a sort of visual aid, if you will, to what your goal looks like, once achieved.

I've always struggled with finding a real role model in life. There were the Britney Spears days, the unrealistic Oprah-aspirations.. but, never someone around my age who seemed to come from what I was struggling with. However, recently, there was a lot of buzz about Kelly Osbourne, daughter of Ozzie Osbourne, and her new slender figure. I was apprehensive in congratulating her at first because Kelly had dropped weight before due to drug abuse. But, after Kelly announced she'd been clean of drugs and had found a new healthy lifestyle I started to read up more about how she slimmed down. I read that amongst other tactics and lifestyle changes, some of the things Kelly took up were ballet, pilates, nibbling on an apple before bed to keep her metabolism going over night, and many other healthy choices. But, Kelly's starting weight was very close to mine, and although our bodies are totally different in how they react to changes/diets, I think I can look to her as a role model in that 'yes I can lose the weight'. I think about how much weight has to be taken off in order to be in my "healthy" range and it's overwhelming, but having a role model to keep me motivated is certainly another hand helping me reach my goals.

These are just some before/after shots of Kelly. The first was taken in 2007 & the second just recently at the Emmy's in 2010. I'd like to take a few "before" shots of myself to later compare just like this... but I'll save those for when the weight starts to finally melt off :)

I really loved what Kelly talked about today, on the Ellen show concerning her weight and self-esteem. So, check out Kelly Osbourne on the Ellen show below, and hear her talk about loving her body and finding confidence.

"I don't ever want to be the prettiest girl in the world, I just want to like myself"

Absolutely my new role model.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 1: Be Vulnerable

I remember being 9-years old and telling myself, "Don't ever let weight become a problem". Right. Sure. Why not? Sounds simple enough.. What my 9-year old self didn't know was that I would later starve myself at the fragile age of 12, gain 30 lbs. in high school, find out I have hypothyroidism (a slow metabolism) & insulin resistance (basically my body feeds itself sugar all day without my approval), and would also later gain an additional 30 lbs. after college. Weight not becoming a problem.. hah! NOT likely.

Now, I'm 23-years old and I can't go two minutes without thinking about weight, or someone reminding me of it in between those two minutes. I'm watching all of my friends move in with their boyfriends, get married, or simply get hit on when we go out. They tell me to just have confidence, forget what I look like and just have fun. Easy for them to say...

The thing is, I have a lot to be confident about. I lived in Italy by myself for seven months this past year. Learned an entirely new language at 22-years old. Moved to New York City to take on the dog-eat-dog world of advertising. I am a great pianist & dancer. And have made friends with people from Venezuela, Qatar, Sweden, Belgium, all the way to Australia. BUT, my problem is that I am a self-proclaimed profectionist. My therapist can back me up on that. I particularly see things as black and white, zero or 100%. If I'm not the prettiest girl in the room, then I might-as-well be the ugliest. If I'm not the skinniest, I must be the fattest. With this sort of mentality, it's no wonder that I start to give up on myself. I think, "If I'm going to be the fattest, then what difference does it make if I eat this huge bowl of cereal, or this extra slice of bread, or this big cone of ice cream? I'm still going to be the "fat girl"".

My friends tell me, "well you've never really been skinny, so how do you expect to find confidence in your appearance". First of all, ouch. Second, this may be true, actually. But, does that means I don't deserve to find out if I can be the healthiest version of "ME" I can be? I've decided that, for me, seeing myself as someone inbetween the skinniest and the fattest doesn't necessarily mean I will still find confidence in my appearance. But, what if I found confidence in just being healthy. My therapist tells me, "you will never be the prettiest girl in the world...or the skinniest". So, I canNOT base my confidence on that kind of a goal.

Thus, three weeks ago I made a deal with myself that I would focus the next 6-8 weeks on my body & mind - because our mind is just as important in the journey to better health. So, I started by taking a break from the stresses of work, interviewed a dozen trainers, made an appointment with a therapist, and found a 'bulldog with a smile' personal trainer, named Dana, to help me reach my goals. Like I said, I started this 3 weeks, and despite my low-carb, low-sugar, high lean-protein diet & dedicated fitness regimen, I haven't lost a single, solitary POUND. Let's jump back about 5 paragraphs to my mention of 2 critical things: hypothyroidism & insulin resistance. I've been blessed with these two lovely roadblocks in my weight loss journey my whole life. Well, guess what?! I refuse to let this plateau, resistance, whatever-you-want-to-call-it set-back hold me from being my healthiest. Because today, I am not healthy. Today, I am not confident about being the best version of myself that I can possibly be. So, if I am not there today, then I certainly would like the opportunity to possibly be there tomorrow.

So, join me in witnessing one of the most vulnerable journey's I've ever taken. I will be documenting my progress daily or weekly through this blog to show that with persistance comes results and with results comes change. And that's a change I have been waiting to witness my whole life..

Good night for now, and wish me luck as my trainer, Dana, kicks my butt at the gym tomorrow!!

All the Best,

And remember:
"Rule your mind, or it will rule you. You may delay, but time will not." - Horace
"Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat." - Jill Johnson
"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." - Margaret Thatcher