Monday, October 25, 2010

Week VI: Power

Welcome Fitness Enthusiasts!

Thought I'd greet you with a great big Richard Simmons welcome! I mean, nothing spells excitement for health more than short-shorts and a skin-tight starry tank top!

Alriigght, glitter and flamboyancy aside- I don't want to frighten my male audience.. or female, for that matter.

This week I thought we'd start getting real about what we go through when starting a new lifestyle change or, the dirty "d" word, *diet*. Let's face it, if cutting out carbs, working out regularly, lowering sugars, and counting calories were SO easy, we'd all be in fighting shape. The reality of it is there are many reasons why we struggle with finding success in our health goals: expenses, will power, support of family and friends, and a plethora of other factors we individually face. But, in order to be successful, these are things we have to combat, and be honest with ourselves about, so we can move on and make this change on a smoother course.

I'd like to focus on one struggle at a time so we're not overwhelmed. And this week I thought we'd touch on one of the biggest deterrents, that also happens to be one of the biggest catalysts, for finding success: WILL POWER!

willpower (ˈwɪlˌpaʊə)
1. the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions
2. firmness of will

Honestly, definition 1. is so kick-ass I can't even handle it. Webster's dictionary essentially states that "Willpower" is our ability to control and determine our actions. In other words, we hold the fate. Willpower is such a gift, and gamble all at the same time, because without it we put the power in someone else's hands- we no longer have the control. Scary stuff... but powerful too. Think about it: you don't need to be rich to have willpower, you don't need to have a ton of resources either. Willpower is up to YOU.

So, here are a few things we can all do in order to be successful with maintaining and finding the willpower to reach our goals:

1.) THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS: this is something that my trainer is constantly saying to me as I struggle to do vein-popping pull-ups (gross... I know). Positive thinking knocks out those vile thoughts that are only there to kick you down. I try to tell myself something positive every time a negative thought entires my mind.
For example- you're at the mall trying on new jeans and realize that despite your tough efforts to lose weight for the past few months, you're still the same jean size. STOP! PAUSE! Our instinct is to run out of the store and stalk up on all the Ben & Jerry's flavors the closest convenient store has. BUT, something I've had to even remind myself of is that weight loss isn't instant, inches don't always melt away. Tell yourself that despite the fact that you haven't gone down a size, you aren't up a size either. And, who knows, you could lose a bunch of weight the following week as your body adjusts to your new routine. Honestly, most weeks I struggle losing one pound, but the other week I lost 5.5 lbs. because my body is going through drastic workout and food changes. So, have patience, and remember that you will get there...which leads me to my next tip.

2.) MAKE SMALL GOALS: You're much more likely to reach your long-term goal if you make short ones along the way. Think about it, if you made a goal to lose 50 lbs. by next year, that gives you a lot of opportunities to either get overwhelmed with the amount of effort it will take, or procrastinate considering it seems so far off. So, take it day-by-day. Make smaller goals that can lead to the ultimate one.
For example- make a goal to start running/walking longer distances, even if just for an extra 1/4 mile, or hold that plank position for 10 more seconds each week. These little efforts will go a long way, especially after a year has gone by, and you won't feel overwhelmed in the process.

3.) LOVE YOURSELF: sounds cheesy, and maybe obvious to some, but by loving yourself and having respect for your well-being will make willpower a whole lot easier to embody. If you already care about yourself then finding the willpower to be the best "you" will be like brushing your teeth every morning - a thoughtless action to take care of your long-term health.

Again these are just some of the things I like to think of when my willpower is weak during tough days. But, by keeping that overarching goal in the background, and focusing on these tiny efforts each day, willpower will come naturally. I have faith in you, but you must also find faith in yourself.

Throughout the next month, I will also talk about two other big struggles people come across while working on their health: COST & SUPPORT. So, tune in for those two discussions in the near future :)

Now, grab your shortest striped shorts (I have SO many to choose from!), some canola oil for your legs, and get 'ya groove on!!

Quote of the week:
"Yes. You. Can!" - Richard Simmons


1 comment:

  1. Love the blog, Kate! You're too funny. Always love to hear how your weekly post turns out, after coming to me with your thoughts. - Mom
