Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 3: Progress!

Hello readers/followers/general stalkers,

So, the worst is over, I've basically put it ALL out there in my last post, and now it's onto the fun stuff: my journey of getting into shape!

First of all, I hope you've had a happy and healthy week since we last checked in with each other. I've, personally, had a really great week kickin' boot-ay at the gym with my trainer and being extra smart when making food choices. And I'll tell ya, nothing tastes better than feeling healthy :) Well, let's be honest- I'd practical make-out with the pizza boy at this point if he gave me a slice of New York style pizza. But, it's okay. I'll have a slice of pizza again - just not today (or tomorrow)..

This week was a pretty standard week with workouts (me, pleading with my trainer to let me just pass out - and her, telling me to go sprint the track instead; thank god she wins every time). But, in terms of my food, I really wanted to hone in on my calorie/nutrient intake this week:

I noticed that my weight was taking its good ol' time coming off, even though I've been sticking to a 1200 calorie diet with less carbs and sugars. Well, you should know that weight, in general, does not come off easily for me with hypothyroidism (a slow metabolism) - one of God's special gifts, I like to say - along with my sensitivity to sugars and carbs. So, I tried to get super serious about what I was eating and found a great app on my iPhone called "MyFitnessPal". It's amazing, it will tell me what my goal nutrients are for the day and if I'm under or over my percentage of that. For example, since I'm training 6-7 days a week, I try to load up on protein for my muscles to rebuild themselves after a hard workout. So, by entering my meals into the app, it told me my protein intake today was over about 5% for the average 1200-calorie diet. So, I know I'm in a fairly good range with that, considering I should be over to help my body recover.
Oh, and don't fret! the app isn't just on the iPhone.. you can go to their website at: Honestly, check it out. It's mind blowing. You can chart your weight too, which is fun (only if you're losing) :/

I just can't tell you how amazingly-awful it is to see how quickly calories add up. However, I've gotten used to being honest with myself now and what I used to think was 1200 calories, is definitely NOT. By following this strict intake, I've already noticed a difference. The weight has definitely started to go a little faster (about 2lbs. a week - which IS healthy people. Do not try to lose more than 2lbs./week or you will gain it back eventually, I promise). So, I'm really excited about finding a new way to structure my food, just as I might structure a workout routine.

So, the BIGGEST news is that, despite only having blogged for 3 weeks, I've been on my new health-kick for much longer and have finally reached the -10lb. mark!!!!!
maybe a little confetti..? *~* nah we'll save that for a bigger moment :)

But, hey, 10lbs. is 10lbs. and it will NOT be missed.

Well, kids, I've got 2 more glasses of water to drink before bed and I gotta prepare my bladder for that, so I'll leave you with this:
"There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed can make any vision, dream or desire a reality". - Anthony Robbins


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