Wednesday, November 24, 2010

X: Free Ticket!

Alright My Little Turkey Eaters,

So, I wanted to formally give each of you a "Free Ticket" to enjoy whatever you want for Thanksgiving (in moderation, of course). All of us deserve to enjoy our time with family, friends, and all loved ones. So, as grandma complains that her mashed potatoes aren't salty enough, Uncle Bob drinks his sixth glass of wine, and cousin Charlie throws green beans in your hair.. just think of how lucky each of us are to have each other, our current health, and a warm turkey that has none of those things! :p

Each year my family goes around the table and says what they are thankful for, and this year, like last, I will not be with my immediate family so I thought I'd write on here what I am most thankful for:

Friends. - Last year I spent Thanksgiving in Rome with friends from Holland, Belgium, Dublin, & Austria. And this year, I'll be spending it with my best friend, Jennie, and her family. I am just so grateful to have friends that are willing to share this special time with me and always be there. Whether I'm in Rome, New York City, or Pittsburgh, I know I always have great friends to turn to- and no matter how alone we can feel, it's nice to know that wherever we go, there, our friends will be :)

Click here to read about my Thanksgiving last year in Italia!

Happy Thanksgiving Readers,


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