Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week V: Soul Food

Hey There My Healthy Friends!

Well, another week has gone by and that means we've all had seven fresh new days to create healthier lives around us. Now, there are many ways to make our lives healthier. So, considering we've discussed our body and mind's health in previous posts, that leaves, of course, our spirit, or souls. And what better way to do that than with soul food!

Now don't be fooled, despite how tempting Paula Deen's southern cookin' can be, I wouldn't let us off the hook that easy. So, instead of using actual food for our souls, I thought we could feed it with other means of enjoying the same sensations that food can bring, such as: fulfillment, excitement, satisfaction, pure joy ..all the things ice cream used to do for me- and probably still would if I didn't search for other things to associate those feelings with.

So, in order to really gobble up some food for my soul, I went out on a mini-adventure. I decided that a weekend away with a friend from far far away would be just the treat my soul needed!

My "far far away" friend is Clementina [insert fruit joke here], from Venezuela, but we met while attending an Italian school together in Rome last year. As soon as I found out that Clementina had a liking to Chanel and other fine leather brands, I knew we'd instantly be best friends. And that we were.

We studied the Italian language 5 days a week, went on several excursions around Italy on the weekends, shared wine with gorgeous Italian men under twinkling stars, and obviously shopped the organically vogue streets of Rome on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, Clementina had to leave Rome earlier than planned; and I realized that, realistically, I may never see her again. During our last minutes together we hugged and cried, squeezing tight before we headed off in separate cabs, which would eventually take us thousands of miles apart. I remember trying to choke out my Italian to the cab driver under heavy sobs sounding something like, "ma- ma- mi dispiace. Son- son- sono andare a Via Arenula. Vici- vicinooo il coloseo."

The hardest part about making friends abroad, is knowing they'll always be that: abroad.

So, when I got a phone call two weeks ago from a 12-digit phone number, I was squealing to hear Clementina on the other line. And even more exciting, she was coming to New York City and wanted to meet up. Thus, after considering the rarity of this situation, I decided to buy a plane ticket and spend two days with a great friend in the city that never sleeps.

When we met up, it was like no time had passed. However, I had to refresh my memory with Italian and Spanish in order to talk with her family members. But, it was great practice and fun for me to speak another language again. We had such a good time, laughing, enjoying a few drinks (actual food for my soul ;) , dancing like crazy people, singing along to our all-time favorite song "I've Got a Feeling"- which we sang in the streets of Rome with our friends the first night out in Italy, and shopping 'til blisters were eminent.

Of course, we had to once again say our goodbyes, but even as I jumped on the train after our departure, I didn't feel sad. In fact, my soul felt happy. I knew it would be at least a few years 'til we saw each other again, but it's ok, because we would see each other again. And that's the great thing about real friendships, whether here or apart, you have the memories, and there there you can always meet.
As I rode in the cab back up to the Upper East Side at night, I listened to my go-to night song, John Mayer's live version of "Free Fallin'", and thought about how many great people I've met in my life and great places I've been. And I don't think my soul ever felt as good as it did in that moment. My soul doesn't remember the food I've fed it, it remembers the feelings, the emotions, the hot breeze drifting through a cab while staring at the twinkling lights of New York City.. and THAT is the best food my soul has ever tasted.

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul." - Oscar Wilde



  1. Love this katie! :) I wish I would have read it before I licked the bowl after baking for Joey's school bake sale, but I love it nonetheless!

  2. hahahhaa hey gotta enjoy life too, right?!?
