Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week XVII: Update

Hey Readers,

Sorry I've had about a months hiatus from writing. I've been a busy bee! But such is life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As busy times come and go, staying healthy is something that needs to remain constant and consistent, regardless. I'm not going to pretend to be perfect. I've certainly indulged here and there in the past month (especially with the emotional eating that went on during the Superbowl game :/ ), but in general, things have remained the same for me: keeping a tough workout regimen, eating a healthy diet, and finding ways to keep my mind & spirit at peace with things.

Currently, I am still down just 35 lbs., but I also recently found out that I've lost 8% of my body fat over the past few months... which is quite significant. It's not only a big drop in body fat, but important that I am now in the "normal" range for my total body fat percentage, based on my weight and height. I skipped straight from the "obese" to "normal" surpassing the "overweight" numbers completely. Not going to lie, I was kind of impressed with myself. Although, dead-lifting 95 lbs. and running 8mph 1/4-mile sprints should bring rather substantial results. My trainer would like to see me go down another 4% to be the in "fitness" range.. but we'll take that goal one day at a time.

I also recently ran into the health director at my gym and she relayed to my trainer how shocked she was to see my transformation. Thirty-five pounds is a lot, but especially while transitioning much of that weight from fat to muscle. Thus, inches have been the biggest difference with me. I lost over 9 inches around my back/chest alone.. kinda gross for me to think about, honestly. And I can really see a lot of definition in my arms, legs, and abdomen. My endurance has grown drastically, as well. I started jogging at 5.5 mph and now run a 8:30 minute mile at about 7.2 mph every day. My trainer really wants me to start running half-marathons considering I run about 3 miles every day, but I don't think she fully understands my hatred of running. I just can't kick it. I absolutely feel miserable when I run and I don't really know why. So, the half-marathon is being put on the back-burner to my other goals= 15 more pounds of weight loss, and 4% drop in body fat.

All-in-all, a lot of exciting stuff going on. But, most importantly, a lot of these changes are becoming just part of my every day life and giving me the confidence to push forward and really crush those last 15 pounds.

Hopefully the next time I write I will have more progress with my goals and will continue to find motivation within myself and from my readers :)

Love you all and hope you are feeling healthy and happy as always!

Quote of the week:
"Whether you think that you can, or think that you cannot, you are right." - Henry Ford (spoken every day by my trainer)


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