Friday, December 17, 2010

Week XIII: Getting There

Hi little readers!

This weeks post will be super short due to my extreeemely crazy schedule ("schezule", for you fancy folk!). And, I know all of you are superly duperly busy too! Sooo, I wanted to update everyone on my progress with my health and weight-loss goals.

With the help of great friends, family, my amazing/awesome/stellar/bff personal trainer, I am now past the half-way mark to my goal weight! :D Which means I'm down more than 25 pounds!!!

It's sort of crazy to go on the scale these days and see the weight jump down every week. Well.. when I say "jump" I really mean "crawl", considering I've busted my tush for every inch lost and pound dropped. But, it has certainly been worth it. I had a trainer at my gym come up to me and say, "I see you here ALL the time and you look awesome!! You can tell you've lost the weight.". That certainly put an extra bounce in my step while running. I think feedback is HUGE for success in many aspects of life, but especially while dealing with something as frustrating as weight loss.

I've been so happy with my change in, not only my health, but, my attitude towards this lifestyle change and life itself. I found a great balance between eating right and treating myself right too. I still have quite a ways to go with my total weight-loss, but I'm well on my way and excited to get there!

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday! [And don't beat yourself up if you have a few cookies.. you all deserve it!]

Best Wishes,


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