Friday, January 21, 2011

Week XVI: Patience

Good Afternoon Readers,

I wanted to talk to you about something that is very important when trying to reach your fitness and/or health goals. Many of you, I'm sure, have made resolutions to lose weight. Unfortunately, many will also give up after about two weeks of making that resolution. Instead of pointing fingers, I can sympathize with many of you on why you might give up so quickly.

When I took on this challenge of living a healthier lifestyle I had a number in mind that I wanted to lose within a years time. I broke it down and figured out how much that meant I would need to lose each week in order to hit my goal. Well, you can imagine my frustrations when it took me almost two whole months to even drop a pound. TWO WHOLE MONTHS: 8 weeks: 60 days.. to even see one pound flutter off the scale. But, the great thing is that I did lose that one pound.. and many many many more following.

It's human nature, I think, to give up after not getting results immediately. Particularly in this day in age we are conditioned and expected to have instant gratification. To put in so much time and effort and see results is like a high, but when you don't see results it's like a punch in the stomach. Thus, many of us figure, 'why put in so much effort if things aren't going to change.'. Something I learned from my journey on this healthier road was that patience can bring the biggest rewards. Liposuction, quick-fix diets, "magic pills", can bring on quick results, however, they won't last and don't teach you how to keep that weight off. Taking the time to figure your body out and coach it to success is the only way to reach results that are lasting and worth your while.

I know you are all thinking that this is easier said than done: waiting for the weight to come off. And you're right. Motivation is a hard thing to hold on to when you don't have anything tangible to keep you going. But, as I said, my journey has been a learning process. And I knew there was no turning back to my old ways, this was it. It was keep trying, or be unhealthy forever. So, I decided I needed to find my "tangible" object to focus on and find motivation within. The focus I kept in the forefront was the fact that, although the weight wasn't coming off, I was feeling stronger and my body was loving the endorphin-endused workouts. So, I stuck through it. I never gave up and I wish everyone could feel what I'm feeling now. I'm only 15 pounds away from my goal weight which is unreal to me.

I've built such a happy person through all of this. My happiness did not come from seeing the weight drop, it came from looking and feeling healthy, laughing and smiling without feeling self-conscious, and being the Kate I know I'm supposed to be. Patience pays off, people. Anything is worth the weight wait ;) You have to want it, mind, body, and soul. And you can do it!! I believed in me, I believe in you, and know that in each of us is a happy and healthy person who just needs patience and perseverance to come out.

Quote of the Week:
"It's not about the weight." - my personal trainer


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